NOTE: This information does not form part of the building contract; for Full Guarantee Rules and Full terms and conditions please contact Progressive Projects LTD (RMB).

A Master Build Guarantee is not provided automatically by engaging a RMB. A separate Guarantee application must be completed and be signed by the RMB and the Owner. It must then be accepted and signed by Master Build Services Limited (“MBS”) before it is valid.

Various guarantee products are potentially available. You should familiarise yourself with the options before choosing which best suits you. Details are set out in the Disclosure Information provided to you by your RMB. Further information can be obtained by contacting MBS on 0800 269 119.

Your RMB is able to provide you with terms and conditions booklets for the Master Build Guarantees. The application form is contained in these booklets. You must read these terms and conditions before applying for a Master Build Guarantee.

Your RMB may offer you the opportunity to apply for a Master Build Guarantee on residential work with a contract price of less than $30,000.00 (including GST).
Your RMB should offer you the opportunity to apply for a Master Build Guarantee on residential work with a contract price of $30,000.00 or more (including GST).
NOTE: If the Owner has not been contacted by MBS within 14 days after signing a Master Build
Guarantee application they must immediately contact MBS on 0800 269 119.

If the Owner declines to apply for Master Build Guarantee cover, then they should assist the RMB to complete a waiver form (provided in the Documents Pack for Residential Building Contracts) and return it to MBS.

Please also note the following important points:
• You will void the Master Build Guarantee if you cancel this Building Contract without MBS’s written consent (regardless of whether the RMB has breached this Building Contract and regardless of whether the RMB has consented to the cancellation).
• A Master Build Guarantee only relates to the actual dwelling. It doesn’t cover other things a builder might provide, such as retaining walls, driveways, swimming pools, etc.
• If you have a Master Build Guarantee and you discover a defect that might give rise to a claim, you must promptly notify MBS in writing.
• Various Master Build Guarantee products are available, at different prices. If you elect to take out a Master Build Guarantee that does not have non-completion cover, you will not be able to claim for:
remediation of defects that were or should have been discovered before Practical Completion of the dwelling; completion cover during the building of the dwelling (please also note that this completion cover is limited to the lesser of 20% of the Contract Price OR the maximum of the completion cover sum specified in the Guarantee); or loss of deposit (please also note that loss of deposit cover is limited to the lesser of 10% of the Contract

RMB: Registered master builder (Progressive Projects LTD)

Disclosure Statement: Progressive Projects LTD trading as a Limited Liability Company.
Directors: Jake Wainwright and Jonty Rae Combined 25+ years of Building Industry experience.
Located: 9c Sloper Avenue Frankton, Hamilton.
Established: 2023.
Public Liability Insurance: FMG